The Lattimer

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-08-30

QIC: 5-way

PAX (8): Durty Nelly, Grimace, Omaha, Relient, Valley Girl, Vanna, Nature Boy


PAX were spurred on with a throwback to the 1993 film "The Program".  8 brave PAX answered the call to leave the women and children in bed and go looking for dinner in the gloom of Grindstone for a Lattimer themed BD.  (roids optional)


Mosey followed by:

Willie mays hayes,Weed pickers,Hillbillies,Good mornings,Moroccan Night Clubs,Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Thang 1: PAX did a tribute to #99 on the football field with 9 stations starting with 9 burpees.  PAX started at the goal line, sprinted 10 yards and did 9 burpees, sprint another 10 yards and decrement 1 each time until the opposite goal line.  The challenge was thrown down for the advanced class to do 9 burpees each station and a couple of brave PAX accepted the challenge.  YHC was not one of them. Thang 2: Merkin suicides starting at goal line bernie sanders 10 yards and sprint back to goal line for 5 Merkins, repeat adding 10 yards each time until reach opposite goal line and back Thang 3: Another Lattimer themed routine with PAX separated into 2 teams and each PAX would continue reps until every PAX was done at each station and first team with all PAX to return back to goal line is the winner. PAX were supposed to start on the 20 yard line for a touchback but YHC forgot to mention that so we started on goal line. Omaha called out that we should stick with the theme so PAX performed exersices until the 6 had completed 9 reps. Winning team was awarded 3 wolverines and losing team got 9 squats LBCS (20 yard line) Alabama Prom Dates (30 yard line) T-Bombs (40 yard line) (crab position feet dance) Twinkle Toes (50 yard line) (calf raises while holding a squat) Imperial Squat Walker (40 yard line) (squat then, knee to elbow, squat other knee to elbow) Merkins (30 yard line) E2Ks (20 yard line) (on six right ankle over left knee, left elbow to right knee) Rosalita’s (10 yard line) (on back legs 90 degrees spread legs and back) Thang 4: PAX did Indian run through the baseball parking lots and a variety of exercises including a round of duck, duck, plank, merkin ring up to 3 and some shuffling.  YHC and Omaha went back for the 6 and Valley Girl led the PAX in 10 bonus Merkins on the way bag to the flag for a perfect 6:15 finish almost as if it was planned.  :-)


Announcements:  Stair climbing at Black Water coming up, Run at Phoenix 9/14 as well Prayers:  Praise for son Eben as has been cleared to play tennis.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

YHC is ready for a nap after this one.  Great job to all that got after this morning!

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