Proud to be a Merkin
AO: Firehouse
When: 2025-01-09
QIC: Hazmat
PAX (06): Ace Ventura, Beanz, Better Call Saul, Seaman, Suárez
It was a gloriously cold morning at the Firehouse…Warm-O-Rama:
Quick hot lap to get the blood flowing and then dove right into the reason we gathered this morning…merkins. 20 Diamond merkins followed by some up tempo SSH and some WMHs. 20 merkins followed by some LBACs and some Abe Vigodas. 20 wide arm merkins.The Thang:
Moseyed to round about with a stop half way for some Bonnie Blair’s. DORA at the round about with 100 big boys, 200 merkins and 200 squats. Partner not performing the exercise ran the circle with a stop half way around for 3 burpees. Start moseying back to the flag. Stopped halfway on a hill for some clock merkins. Performed 10 merkins in the 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. Resumed mosey to flag. Back at flag find some bench space and 6 minutes of tabata (45 on/15 off). Exercises performed were box jumps, derkins, flutter kicks, dips, Bobby Hurleys and Irkins. Circled up for some Mary. Big boys, hello dollys, big boys, American hammers, big boys and Freddy Mercurys.COT:
Prayers for Seaman’s upcoming PT, Outer Rims adoption process, and Ace Venturas friend battling cancer.