
Hoppy-Like, Turtle-Like

Lightbulb and YHC met in the gloom this Friday, with a brief conference with Hickory Stick, to get this day going right. While Hickory ultimately ended his morning with 10.5, Lightbulb and YHC kept it short and sweet with a 5k. After a few weeks off from this Friday run, we …

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Leg Day

13 showed up for Leg Day. The Q didn’t sleep much the night before as he was afraid of fart sacking for the second time in two weeks. Luckily or Unluckily the Q made it out of the fart sack for some fun (I am wondering if I will be …

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A day of firsts

In the astutely accurate words of Cookie/Cooky/Cooke: “There are a lot of firsts happening today.”  (And if he did not say it, then somebody did and he gets credit.) First things first, Nacho prepared his very first pre-blast last night.  Second things first, he didn’t show up!  He must have …

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4/12 PreBlast Mucho Merkinos

Pre Blast 4/12 Mucho Chesto as a warm-up??? Merkin mile, Abyss Merkin, and Ascending testicles.  That’s what the start is going to look like tomorrow morning in the rain.   As the week of our first F3versiry are we going to have any attend all the workouts?  My money’s on …

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Spring Break Is Over!

Spring Break is over and 7 pax showed up for a painful reminder that it is a lot easier to get weaker than it is to get stronger. Here is what happened. Warmup: IC SSH Squats Cotton Pickers The Thang: Mosey to the soccer field. Full length sprints down field …

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Trip to Space Mountain

It wouldn’t be “good form” to not do a backblast on my first Thursday q of the quarter.  I don’t want to go the way The Hooch is going or worse, Atlanta. Thursday was a beautiful morning.  Air was perfect.  Pollen washed away overnight.  Great for running, so running we …

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