No Logic
AO: Norseman
When: 2024-03-26
QIC: Matlock
PAX (16): Cam's, Chapter 11, Credit Check, Crikey, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Irene, Knight Rider, Matlock, Password 123, Roman, Sugar, Sweeper, TO, Tumbleweed, FNG - Wildcat
Was it going to rain or not? Weather stayed clear and dry for a nice gloomy Beatdown.Warm-O-Rama:
SSH Hillbillies SSH (encore) Weed Picker Arm CirclesThe Thang:
Little game of modified Whamo lunge walks.One PAX throws frisbee. All PAX sprint in direction until it lands. When lands, all PAX stop and lunge-walk/crab crawl/crawl bear/side squat until get to the frisbee. Every 5th throw, surprise, 25 'Merkins.
Followed up with a game of F3-style duck-duck-goose. 1-2s counted off and split into two groups.Round 1: from endzone, pick a runner to run to 50-yard line; non-runners rotate through:
- 25 Merkins;
- 15 Burpees;
- 15 Big Boy Sit-ups;
- 25 Squats
Round 2: Runner has to power skip to 25-yard line; non-runners rotate through:
- 20 Caroline Dry Docks;
- 20 Jump Squats;
- 25 Overhead Claps;
- 15 Box Cutters
If runner beats group, group has to do 5 burpees; if group finishes first, Plank while runner does 5 burpees.
Round 3: One team as runners bear crawl to 10-yard line and back; non-runner group rotates through:
- Plank
- Merkins
- Reverse Lunge
- LBCs
If non-runner group finishes, Plank until runner group gets back (or just suck wind as case may be). Whoever completes bear crawl or exercises first has to do 5 more of the exercise.
Bonus, bonus: lap around football field and 5 mins of co-led core under pavilion (misc. exercises YHC did not make a mental note of).