Did we just become best friends…
AO: Rubicon
When: 2024-05-09
QIC: Caffey
PAX (18): Avis, Cookie, Devito, Dipstick, False Start, FannyPack, HotSauce, Lefty, Lil Hurt, lumbergh, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Special K, Speedo, Sweep3r, Tank, Trebek
Well, the time had come and I had to get my final Rubicon Q on the books. Being a total dummy, I signed up for a Thursday after I will already be in TN full time but luckily Avis was accommodating and willing to give me his spot (thanks Avis!). As you might be able to guess, moving at the end of the school year, having recently lost an employee at work, having a wife who teaches, coaching baseball, having 2 kids in sports at the same time, and trying to find time for my M, has made life crazy. I don't know where my speaker is, I don't have materials for a fun Q, and I'm generally running around like a chicken with my head cut off. However, the men of Rubicon did what they do best, lead and encourage. After some good mumblechatter, I had 5 or 6 decent ideas for a BD and my new best friend, Lumbergh's, idea came through as the winner. Of course, YHC nailed a spot on disclaimer to start the thing and I thanked all the PAX for the great ideas.Warm-O-Rama:
We run over to the flag pole, doing some high knees and butt kickers along the way. Circle up around the flag for the following:- SSH
- Weed pickers
- Imperial walkers
The Thang:
I notified the PAX that we would be playing a game called "Have You Been Listening" where we will break up into two teams. I will read a question that is about me and something in my life I would have talked about during the last three years. The team that buzzes in first guesses. Get it right, 10 reps for your team, get it wrong (or if you're the non-guessing team and the guessing team got it right) and you have 25 reps of the exercise. I also added a bonus opportunity with questions based on Alpharetta "historical" items. If the team gets the first question right (or the non-guessing team if the other team got the first question wrong), they get to say whether they want the bonus. Get the bonus right, five additional reps for the other team, get it wrong 10 additional reps for your team. See below the questions and exercises.- My real name is?
- Burpees
- I am how old?
- Bonnie Blair
- I was born and raised where?
- X factors
- Name of the Pax who introduced me to F3
- Curls by the rock pile
- Name of the neighborhood I lived in before my recent move
- Box jumps
- Do I have kids? If so, boys/girls?
- Balls to walls
- Do I have any siblings? (Apparently Lumbergh knows my family history better than me because I was actually wrong on my sibling count, but he got it right)
- Jump squats
- The local hot spot in the city I am moving is
- Plank jacks
- Where did I go to elementary school?
- Mercans
- Next race is likely where? City and state
- Where did I “almost” go to college
- What did I do for a job before going to law school?
- What is the name of the old cafe/diner that used to be where Chiringa now stands?
- Dockery’s cafe
- What county was Alpharetta in before it became part of Fulton county in the early 1930’s?
- Milton county
- What was Sucheros before it was Sucheros?
- Hardee’s
- What year was Wacky world completed?
- 1997
- Who is the current Mayor of Alpharetta?
- Jim Galvin (COOKIE - YOU WERE RIGHT!!)
- Alpharetta had a “farmer’s market” in the past, what was it called?
- Harry’s farmer’s market (fun fact - Devito shared this will soon be 149 homes)
- Name a large grocery store in Alpharetta in the 90’s that has since closed:
- Would have accepted: Bruno’s, Big Star, Win Dixie, and Harry’s Farmers Market. Sweeper with the obscure Bruno's guess!
- Alpharetta is home to what that was constructed by the future farmers of America and is still in use today?
- Log cabin
- When did Milton High School move to current location?
- 2005
- The town once had a strong economy based on what? Cotton
- Alpharetta Elementary opened when? 1956
- Original Milton High School opened when? 1921
- The city of Milton was annexed from Alpharetta and became its own city when? 2006