8 Year Manniversary

AO: Rubicon

When: 2024-05-14

QIC: MillerTime

PAX (16): Avis, Dipstick, False Start, Focker, Groundhog, Jackalope, Lil Hurt, No-See-Um, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Special K, Sprocket, Tank, The Real Woody, uga, Wilson


Pre blasted that it would be my 8 year manniversary and we doubled the HC's which was a great surprise for a Tuesday but not for my coffee prep.


A trip past the rock pile and out to FOD for a lap and the standard warm up exercises.  As we were finishing up, in came the men of Academy with their coupons to help me celebrate

The Thang:

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery which is why I continued the questions theme from last week.  All questions about my F3 journey.   Get it right, 8 burpees, get it wrong 16. After each question, we had a coupon exercise and then the group travelled out and back or around. The coupon work was an escalator as well. 10 Curls 15 press 20 Rows 25 BBSU 30 Goblets 35 chest press We bear crawled to center field Tempo run around the perimeter bear crawl, crab walk infield combo backwards run around the perimeter backwards run to the top of FOD hill The pax got 71.539% of the questions correct Lot's of pax taking loving shots at the Q this morning, all to be expected and appreciated.


None of this is possible without all you men.  There would be no reason to show up and push each day.  No matter what is happening in life, F3 is a constant, an anchor.  Reflected on a pax in Kenya who posted about the great blessing of F3.  Each anniversary is a great chance to remember not to take this for granted!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

An honor!

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