
AO: Jericho

When: 2024-05-10

QIC: Whiz

PAX (7): Hushpuppy, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Schneider, Soul Glo, Tsunami, Whiz


Hungry for some sammiches



The Thang:

PAX ate some sammiches:
  1. 25 merkins, 5 wolverines, 25 merkins
  2. 25 squats, 5 wolverines, 25 squats
  3. 25 reverse LBC, 5 wolverines, 25 reverse LBC
  4. 25 dry dock, 5 wolverines, 25 dry dock
  5. 25 lunges, 5 wolverines, 25 lunges
  6. 25 crunchy frog, 5 wolverines, 25 crunchy frog
run between 2 points for the bread and stop for the savory wolverine goodness in the middle between each slice along the way.

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