Beast Mode

AO: The Bound

When: 05/18/2024

QIC: Ha-ha

PAX (28): BallBoy, Birdie, DeLorean, FannyPack, Feathers, Funyun, G String, Ha-ha, HIPAA, Jackalope, Mater, Matlock, Meatball, Plumb Bob, Red Ryder (the one that posts), ShuttleCock, TURK, Zohan, Golden Coral, Whoopie, Utah, Dry Dock, Flash, Scissorhand, Tarmac (FNG), Hot Shot, Squareroot, Ice Tarp (FNG)


Rain in the forecast failed to materialize this morning. Good for the PAX who were ready to go at 6:30.  Except for Funyun and Flash who for some reason were driving in loops around NLB.


0630 came, disclaimer was given and we we made a short loop in the parking lot to the back of the café for bacon scented warm-o-rama.

  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers

After which the PAX were instructed on two points:

  1. Today is about full range of motion, not speed
  2. We would be sharing a burden this morning. A small piece of steel rail would travel with the group and cannot touch the ground until the end of the workout. You can pass it off to another PAX at any time when the burden becomes too much for you to bear.

So we paired off and each pair pick up 1 cinder bock for the workout and we mosied across the street.


The Thang:

Over at NCR the Ha-ha mobile was waiting with a list of exercises and a killer playlist.

Musical Dora

A exercise chosen to pair with a song. One PAX of the pair runs across the parking lot to the fire hydrant (sorry Stu, not fire Hydrants were performed in the making of this Q) and run back. Swap with your partner. New song, new exercise.

Beast Mode
Song   Exercise
Hope 04:25 Overhead Press
No Longer Bound 02:53 Curls
Higher 03:08 1)Clean 2)Front Squat
3)Back Squat
4)Front Rack to Ground
I Still Believe 03:12 Dead Lift
God is Good 03:28 Lunge with Coupon
Without You 03:47 Upright Pull
Grave Robber 02:51 Coupon Swings
Challenge 03:30 Skull Crushers
Hard Work God First 04:08 Merkins (no coupon)

Grab your cinders and return them to NLB.



Prayers for Alpharetta HS families who are hurting after teen car accident

Prayers for healing

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We all have burdens to share.  Man is made to be a pack animal and we work together and need to share our burdens. We all experience Flux. Some times we are riding high and sometimes low.  But by sharing our burdens the Flux is more manageable.


Cultivate your friendships and share your burdens.

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