Falcon 26

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-05-24

QIC: Birdie

PAX (8): BallBoy, Birdie, Hackeysack, Sparkie, Utah, FNG-Fergie, FNG-Stogie, Utah#2


In honor of Falcon (Jason Richard, PAX from STL-Meramec) who recently passed away after the BD .


After disclaimer & 5 principle of F3, we carried our coupon to the stage area. Where we performed SSH, Weed Picker, Wind Mills, Imperial Walker & Moroccan Night club.

The Thang:

YHC handed out the weinke for FALCON 26 beatdown These are the exercises: Side Straddle Hops (in cadence) - 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flying Squirrels - 26 American Hammers - 26 Lunges - 26 Curls - 26 One Lap (mosey around the green) No Cheat Merkins - 26 >> 4 rounds & pick up the Six
end with Side Straddle Hops (in cadence) - 14 Mary: Gas Pumper.  


Prayer for successful surgery for Spackle's dad (Daniel) Prayer for healing for Ballboy's grandfather health & whatever the out come maybe. Brew ruck Saturday June 1 (check slack for detail)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I'm reminded of the verse from Psalm 90:12 - Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Thankful & grateful for you HIM. Until next time, see you in the gloom.

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