Helenback flashback

AO: The Bound

When: 2024-05-01

QIC: MillerTime

PAX (10): Cookie, Ha-ha, Jackalope, Red Ryder (the one that posts), Scar, Square Root, Bowser, Badger, Golden Corral,


Bring your headlamp


A trip up the Hill to the Back 40 where we did various exercises

The Thang:

In the dark, we would do the SSH silent counts known as 21 but to mix it up further we would go to 20 today.  We tried twice and failed twice on this day paying a 3 burpee penalty.  We will nail it next time. A trip back down into town to the coupon pile for a three station evolution.  10 reps first round of manmakers, bonnie blairs and BBSU's.  Second round was 8, third was 6, etc. down to final round of 2 reps. Enough time left to partner up.  Pax A did a coupon double carry for 150 yards while partner B planked and then flip.  Time was called


Prayers for Cookies employee Devon getting thru the application process for NLB Prayers for Bowser's family friend who was injured.  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Next week is a Cookie led Q school to create NLB leaders Announcement and recruiting for participation for Saturday's convergence Fun to see men like Golden Corral stepping up to actively recruit the others for F3. In Jackalope news, his collection of "things' he carries during workouts is growing once again.  He now has a doll to pair with his 4 various containers including peppa pig.

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