First Annual Fla-MAY-ngo Games
AO: Gladiator
When: 2024-05-14
QIC: Macbeth
PAX (15): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Capsize, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark_Side, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, FannyPack, Macbeth, Mater, Spandex, Speedo, Strong Arm, Brownie
Standard announcementsWarm-O-Rama:
Little bit of SSH, high knees, tempo Merkins, and then some stretchesThe Thang:
This is a Capture the Flag style Beatdown with Flamingos instead of flags. All PAX will separate into two teams, either by appointing captains or a 1-2 count off (we will count off tomorrow). Teams will collect Glo-Sticks scattered around the park and, after collecting 5 Glo-Sticks, they are allowed to find and collect a Flamingo. Each team is allowed only one Flamingo, but as many Glo-Sticks as they are able to find or steal. Once a team has a Flamingo they are free to "steal" Glo-Sticks from the other team. Rules of play listed below:- Nothing in life is free, so the cost to collect a Glo-Stick is listed on a small paper next to that particular pile (i.e. 100 Merkins, 50 Absolutions, etc...). The cost to steal a Glo-Stick will be 50 Burpees. The cost of a Flamingo is 100 Pull-ups.**
- You may send out a raiding party (or parties) of up to 1/2 your team to go collect or steal a Glo-Stick. The cost to collect/steal is shared among all teammates on the raiding party. You may send out as many raiding parties as you like so long as the total number of team-mates on a raid is less than half your team.
- At all times 1/2 your team must remain at "base", and those at base must be actively doing 11's of Merkins and Big-Boys on constant rinse and repeat.
- The only exception to the rule above is if a team calls a "Flamboyance" (the official term for a flock of flamingos). Their team is allowed to air-chair in a circle for a 30 second strategy meeting - ALL members of a team must be present for a Flamboyance to be called.
- All Glo-Sticks must be placed in an obvious location decided upon at the beginning of the game and all Glo-Sticks collected must be kept together.
- The winner is the team with the most points at the end of the beatdown - Glo-Sticks count for one point each, Flamingo's are 5 points.