Back to basics

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-05-17

QIC: Mater

PAX (13): Butterknife, Chanel, Coat Check, Dark_Side, FannyPack, Manscape, Mounty, Shrimp, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), TARDIS, Zohan


Beautiful day out for a BD.  Rain held off but we didn't stay dry for too long.


Mosey around the parking lot and back to the flag for some warm ups. SSH, tempo merkins, arm circles, world's greatest stretch. Once done, took our coupons to the field.

The Thang:

Today we concentrated on form by doing some tabatas using four corners. 45 seconds of each exercise to the best form that one could do, moving to the next corner by mosey'ing the long way around the field. 1st exercise - Merkins, straight back, touching chest to the ground.  modify by going on your knees 2nd exercise - Squats, keep upright, back straight, look forward, go down deep.  modify by using your arms/hands to push on your thighs for assistance 3rd exercise - Big boys/birth canal, go all the way up and reach past your feet and then all the way back down.  modify by swinging your arms 4th exercise - Curls, start with coupon all the way down and go all the way up.  concentrate on the negative and don't swing your body.


Prayers to Zohan's M as she recovers from car accident and deals w/ insurance Prayers to the AHS kids/family who had a horrific car accident Murph coming up 5/27.  Boneyard will be closed.  Several locations available such as Peachtree Corner Town Center (Bridge) or downtown Alpharetta.  check slack for details. Congrats on filling out the Q sheet until end of September.  I'll be hosting F3 party at my house on 5/24 for those who are in town.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for letting me lead.  Am very thankful for you all.

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