Sammiches Redux

AO: Boneyard

When: 05/20/2024

QIC: Stroller

PAX (11): Dark_Side, Dinghy, FannyPack, Irene, Manscape, Mounty, Shrimp, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), Stroller, Zohan


Maybe I signed up to Q today, or maybe someone signed me up months ago. Regardless, it is May 20 and the Q sheet says I am the Q today. As I thought about a plan, I recalled that my man @whiz had rolled something out to great reviews from the PAX last week ( Looked good and simple so decided to try it here at the Boneyard.

3 PAX pre-ran or pre-rucked separately.


Run to the pickleball parking area where the cops usually park…then the cops showed up and we were in their spot…

  • 15x Imperial Walkers
  • 15x Copperhead Squats
  • Motivators 8–>1

The Thang:

Moseyed to the lacrosse field for some sammiches…

  1. 25 merkins, 5 wolverines, 25 merkins
  2. 25 squats, 5 wolverines, 25 squats
  3. 25 reverse LBC, 5 wolverines, 25 reverse LBC
  4. 25 dry dock, 5 wolverines, 25 dry dock
  5. 25 lunges, 5 wolverines, 25 lunges
  6. 25 crunchy frog BBSU, 5 wolverines, 25 crunchy frog BBSU

We had more time than the original BD, so we made some smaller sams for the kids…

  1. 15 hand release mercans, 3 wolverines, 15 hand release mercans
  2. 15 monkey humpers, 3 wolverines, 15 monkey humpers
  3. 15 Am hammers, 3 wolverines, 15 Am hammers

Mosey back to the flag…gas pumper, LBC, fire hydrants, mercans until time


  • Murph next Monday. Boneyard closed
  • Bushwood opens on Friday
  • Prayers for Speedo’s relative in the final days/hours

Some encouragement for PAX to sign up for their VQs

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks Whiz for the inspiration. This was a good one.

Always a new face when I come to the Boneyard. This AO continues to nurture FNGs into consistent and strong PAX. Aye!!

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