Forever 21

AO: Galaxy

When: 2024-05-23

QIC: Wideright

PAX (12): AOC, Blue, Drain Hole, Jaywalk (Charlie Mason), Jillian, McLovin (Amir Oren), New Coke, Sparky, Tweaker, Wideright, Wilson, Yearn


Disclaimer and warm up IC ssh, a vagodas, hillbillies, imperial walkers, weed pickers, bear hugs and seal claps (formerly known as Skol claps) partner up and grab a coupon mosey to upper parking lot

The Thang:

Non stop 40 minutes like a 21 year old Pax 1 cumulative count exercise and pax 2 down and back: 1- 300 curls and Bernie sanders Bobby Hurley and return swap 2- 200 overhead press and Bernie sanders fw run back 3- 200 chest press and bear crawl out and crawl bear back 4- 300 ssh and cusak down and back 5- ww3’s and 2 line sprints

6- 200 stone mountains  carry coupon down and back

return coupons and mosey to pavilion 7- 100 dips and run to flag and back 8- 100 incline merkins and up and down stairs 9- 100 step ups and up and down stairs mosey to flag for time


Brother Dustin and the Lee family Nick bradigan and the his survived family kate belles heavenly 21 st birthday - may we all be forever 21  

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