Lightweight Can Count – ah ah ah!

AO: Starting Line

When: 2024-05-25

QIC: Janeway

PAX (9): Honk, Janeway, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Rocket, Seaman, Sirmixalot, Suarez, Sugar


Lifelock ended his pre- with a toilet visit, per SOP.


We greeted one another and headed to the spot.

The Thang:

This was a low-impact interval training routine generally cycling warm-up > cardio > arms > legs > abs > recovery.  Essentially a slow burn but not over the top.  Lightweight did a GREAT JOB counting reps with authority and passion. 1:15 Chinooks IC / sobriety-style 1:15 Good Mornings IC 1:15 Abe Vigodas IC 1:15 Willie Mays Hayes IC 5:00 Mosey (run/jog/walk) around large loop, pick your pace 5:00 Hi Plank-off / transition to burpees when you drop Everyone forecast the impossibility of a 5 minute plank but only Lightweight did two burpees, apparently because they are easier than a high plank. 1:15 CH Squats IC 1:15 Alt Forward Lunges IC 1:15 CH Squats IC 1:15 Alt Reverse Lunges IC 1:15 BBSU OYO 1:15 Scissor Kicks IC 1:15 BBSU OYO 1:15 Rosalitas OYO 1:15 Sun Gods IC 1:15 Torso Twists IC 1:15 Weed Pickers IC 1:15 Willie Mays Hayes IC 5:00 Mosey (run/jog/walk) around large loop, pick your pace A Round of Mary: 1:15 Mercans IC 1:15 American Hammers IC 1:15 Electric Bike IC 1:15 Fire Hydrants IC 1:15 CH Squats IC 1:15 Alt Forward Lunges IC 1:15 CH Squats IC 1:15 Alt Reverse Lunges IC 1:15 WW1 SU OYO 1:15 Gas Pumps OYO 1:15 WW1 SU OYO 1:15 Freddie Mercuries OYO 1:15 Overhead / Seal Claps IC 1:15 Al Gore 1:15 J Los OYO 1:15 Shoulder Taps OYO 5:00 Mosey (run/jog/walk) around large loop, pick your pace Suarez was disappointed that Tom and Jerry did not post this morning.


Prayer for health, traveling mercies, remembering those whom died for us, and no stupidity.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Many thanks to Sugar for providing the sugar and Seaman for keeping his sugar to himself. Let's make the camping thing a reality. Grace and Peace. Janeway out.

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