5 minute abs

AO: Galaxy

When: 2024-05-30

QIC: Fenway

PAX (12): Abacus (Mark Green), Blue, Fenway, Forest, Jillian, Louganis, McLovin (Amir Oren), New Coke, Percy, Sparky, Steamer, Wideright


  • SSHs
  • weedpickers
  • copperhead squats
  • toy soldiers
  • morrocan night clubs
Dynamic lap around park:
  • butt kickers
  • high knees
  • super Marios
  • karaokes

The Thang:

Wave: Plank position, mountain climbers counting up in a circle up to 10 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2...10, 10, 10) 5 minutes abs: 3 rounds of 1 minute each, no rest in between. Lap after each round.
  1. Freddy mercuries
  2. WWIIs
  3. Ankle grabbers
  4. Leg lifts
  5. LBCs

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