A Boy Named “Sue”
AO: Nirvana
When: 2024-06-29
QIC: The Real Woody
PAX (7): Buckshot, Dosido, No-See-Um, Roman, Special K, Stu
After celebrating a "Respect-ful" QIC at Badapple this week, YHC was looking to prove while aging, he can still handle the gloom with ferocity and resolve. (Read on for conclusion). The challenge was put out on the channel and PAX were instructed to bring a coupon. However, after a recent @Sprocket led BD, YHC decided to borrow some of his fancy toys and change it up a bit. There were suggestions from the peanut gallery PAX who were unable to attend because of vacations, injuries, or a lack of desire to get bigger, faster, stronger. @MillerTime, who may fall into the latter, suggested BFH and some other wonderful ideas. Hmmm. 3 pre-ruckers showed up early and there was some intense conversation around vacations and overcoming the obstacles of motivation caused by what we'll simply refer to, in order to protect the innocent, as "A Boy Named Sue." Needless to say, there was a slight drizzle for the ruck, but that paled in comparison to the muggy, humid, and hot morning weather. It was going to be a 3 t-shirt morning... Moving on to the start of the BD, it was good to see Stu show up, which always means, YHC feels inferior to the caliber of effort and athletic prowess he displays with the esteemed double respect attached. Oh, and don't let me forget to mention that @Roman finally showed up after HC for the ruck. We'll discuss his commitment level and reasons why he may be "left out" of the cool kids club in a later edition. Enough mumble chatter...let's go.Warm-O-Rama:
Sun Gods OYO 13x SSH 13x Weedpickers 13x Hillbillies Mosey to the new turf field with some Carioca thrown in for good measure.The Thang:
Alas, the start of some real effort, and maybe the PAX are sick of Welsh Dragons, but they not only warm up the body, but make us stronger. They are a favorite of YHC, so let's do them. Welsh Dragons - bear crawl 5 yards, 1 merkin, 1 plankjack, 1 shoulder tap...bear crawl 5 yards and 2 of each...ladder up to 10. Good and warm, perhaps even glistening, it was time to break some of the PAX spirits so we could build them back up. Mosey to BFH (@SpecialK chirps..."We don't have to actually do the suggestions of the lazy PAX like @MillerTime who couldn't bother to show up...it was just a suggestion." But that wouldn't be any fun, would it? 7s on BFH. Squats at the top, Vups at the bottom. @No-See-Um was concerned with getting dirty (we know what a pretty boy he is), but the method to the madness was to force the PAX to run up the hill and then do the squats. Already sweating profusely, YHC managed to lose his wedding ring halfway up the hill. Even though it's not the official one and just a rubber version, all surrounding PAX wanted to stop and help look for it. Couldn't be they wanted a break from BFH...after a couple more up/downs, a quick search again and winner, winner, chicken dinner, it was found! @Roman and @SpecialK offered to lose theirs again, so we could all stop and look some more. It was a nice thought. Some of the PAX managed to complete all of the 7s, while some, who will remain nameless because they are in charge of writing the BB, may have skipped the last one in order to: Mosey back to the coupons/flag We passed the pullup bars and I believe a couple of PAX may have pushed YHC in the back to keep him going and not stop for the Morning Woodys. Back at the AO LZ...it was a bit discombobulated due to not everyone HC appropriately, leaving YHC while dazed and confused trying to scramble. The exercises should've been:#1- 50 Partner merkins - 25x2 =50
#2- 50 shoulder press (1, pass, 2). 25 for each..
#3- 50 cleans with bags
#4- 50 deadlift to Curls, 50 Skulls/Chest Press (25 of each per pax)
#5- 50 Rows with bags
#6- 25 merkins with cinder pull through
#7 - 2 cinder farmer carry around the lot. Needless to say, while it was a bit chaotic, the PAX worked hard, sweated and got stronger. The finisher with 5 minutes to go? Why not perform a Captain Thor...and that's just what we did! Clearly, this was a hard BD and YHC is smoked! While in admirable shape, YHC is constantly amazed and challenged by the abilities of these PAX to crush these BDs week in/out. Great job men.