The Phoenix Grand Tour

AO: Phoenix

When: 2024-08-07

QIC: Krystal

PAX (26): 5-way, Baskins, Better Call Saul, Crab Cake, Dunshire, F3 - The Hammer, Grimace, Ma Bell, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Relient, Sirmixalot, Snake, Snowman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Swiper, The Body, Tony, Tsunami, UMass-Todd Doherty, Whiz, Winning, Schrute


YHC was pumped to get this going - good thing Greg wasn’t around because there was plenty of shouting to get the PAX ramped up. To break in the new park & AO, we did a little Grand Tour and explored a few of what I’m sure will be fixtures of the Phoenix BDs doing forward.


To get the juices flowing, we moseyed around to an upper parking lot and did a few warmup exercises:
  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Good Morning
  • Hillbillies
For good measure, we added a little spice and did a couple rounds of Parking Lot Lines. Had to break out it in to two groups because we had so many HIM out ITG.

The Thang:

From here, the real fun started. We moseyed on down to what QIC thought was the turf field that was lined for football. Instead, it was marked for that other version fut’bol so we had to audible the planned routine. We did some good ol’e fashion 11’s with Burpees and Plank Jacks with a 50 yard run in between. Heard some chatter from Snowman about a lack of music but not sure how he could have heard it anyways with his ongoing conversations… While the 6 came in, PAX did some core work. We then headed out on the running loop for our next stop on our Grand Tour - the Pull Up & Dip station. Later on, CrabCake correctly pointed out there may be some other fantastic options for Pull Ups near the playground but for now, we circled up for Plankorama Pull-Up Showcase. While all PAX planked, one PAX ran to the pull up bar (which was intimidatingly high and we learned we may need to incorporate some more calf routines to aid in Cumming PAX vertical abilities…) and performed a single Pull Up / Chin Up / or dip on the dip bar. Next PAX up as soon as they were done while the rest of the PAX continued planking with some variations called out by Q. This was in particular special to YHC whereas we got to highlight each individual PAX and mostly cheer them on (some heckling of course as well). After this break, we headed back out on the running roop for the 2nd to last stop on the Tour. At this point, we were running a little short on time with the big group so found a nearer hill than originally planned, much to the PAX cheers who were beginning to mumble that this was Jailbreak 2.0 with all the running. Headed down a big grass will which will undoubtedly bring a lot of pain in the future - can’t wait to see how creative we get with some dope hills available for beatdowns. We did 2 rounds of Monkey Humpers in cadence at the bottom with sprint up (first round) and Bernie up (2nd round). At the top, we did some Monkey Jumpers to add to that quad burn. T-Claps to Soul Glo for shouting out the obligatory monkey screeches. We had about 3-4 minutes left and could have taken it easy but hustled back near the flag to round it out with some round-robin Mary. Started with American Hammers, Ma-Bell led us (I forget the name) with a stability round where we pushed down and each PAX calls out the 10 count up to 100, and, fittingly, THE MAN himself Swiper finished it off with some Peter Parker.


Prayers for those going back to school & sendings kids off to college. Prayers for the success of the new AO and the impact it can have on the men of Cumming

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It’s truly an honor to be able to help launch this AO and expand this region. F3 is something special - as we always say, you come for the workout but you stay for the community. Let us all remember that we come together not only so we can build ourselves and each other up, but to enable us to then, in turn, face outwards and go be better men and leaders to serve our families, communities, workplaces, etc. Love you brothers.

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