Last night YHC tweeted about this morning’s workout stating we’d have some fun with prime numbers. We had nine (no not a prime number) men show up (after some late arrivals…even one that met us as we moseyed to the chapel hill – welcome back Swiss!) Did the workout disappoint? You be the judge.
Here’s what went down:
Warm up mosey around the parking lot…
In cadence: SSH, Cotton Pickers, Imperial Walkers
Mosey to the chapel hill – picked up Swiss
11’s (1 rep at bottom of hill, mosey to top and 10 reps):
- Burpees – Star Jumps
- Merkins – Squats
We didn’t have time for another full set of 11’s so the next best prime number was 7 – so 1 rep at bottom and 6 reps at top of hill. This round YHC called the “Animal Round”: Donkey Kicks, Bear Crawl to the top of the hill, then Monkey Humpers
Mosey back to the flag.
Mary – In cadence: Freddy Mercurys and Dying Cockroaches
COT: Prayers for Sneakers taking on new responsibilities at work, prayers for Sparty with insurance approval of important medication, prayers for Boomer’s Mother-in-law with the up coming wedding anniversary after the passing of her husband
Moleskin: lots of midwife noises during the first set of 11s…which tells YHC that Pax really enjoys their Burpees. The coffeteria was closed this morning – so no hot cup of joe afterwards.
Always an honored to be with these fine men…