Lightweight’s Lament

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-05-23

QIC: Dunshire

PAX (5): Dunshire, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Seaman, Suarez


Hey, we showed up and talked a bit.  Seaman came in right on time, racing over the speedbump and smelling like a burnt oil champ!  (his car not him)


So we moseyed then circled up for the Warm-o-Rama. Warm-ups included:
  • 15 Side Straddle Hops
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Weed Pickers
  • SunGods OYO
  • Michael Phelps

The Thang:

The Thang was we grabbed a coupon, which we totally did not run with, and headed toward the field. Here is the breakdown:
  • Murder Bunny w/ coupons to the 10-yard line, then 5 merkins and continue murder bunnying each 10-yard line increasing the merkins by 5 each time until midfield.
  • At midfield we started decreasing the merkins by 5 each 10 yards until we stopped at the end field.
  • The trip back followed the same cadence, except we lunged with coupons and did big boys instead of merkins.
Afterward, we did a recovery lap around the field and then headed to the flag for more "fun." At the flag, we did 25 Curls for the Girls, 25 Squats with coupons, and 10 very slow skull crushers. We returned the coupons and finished with a round of merry. In the merry we did 10 windshield wipers, some leg raises, and fire hydrants. Then it was time.  


We prayed for health for the group and all those recovering from illness, pain, and surgery.  Afterward, we had coffeeteria, and talked about tipping etiquette.  Then we left to face our day with a sense of accomplishment and wonder!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Somewhere along the way, we discussed sailors and ports.  I will not document what was said.

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