2nd forced Q this week, the only medicine for pussitis

AO: Big Creek

When: 2025-01-24

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (8): Crab Cake, Durty Nelly, Grimace, Hail Mary, Snake, Snowman, Swiper


Trying to face the cold - had to volunteer again to Q to get me out there


To the big lot for WMH, SSH, CH Squats, CH Mercans, Hillbillies

The Thang:

4 corners in the big lot. Corner 1 Mercans start with 20, corner 2 19 Sumo Squats, Corner 3 18 Mtn climbers, corner 4 17 Jump squats. After each corner come back to the middle and do 15 SSH.  Called an audible at 8 reps and each corner was 8 reps, then 7, so on. Called an early recover to do 20 copperhead mercans, then mosey to the concession stand for a superset of legs.  Wall sits, donkey kicks, bonnie blairs, jump squats. Mosey toward the flag, stopped and did 5 burpees.  To the football field for a sprint across to the other side.  To the other concession stand for 11's, Mercans and BBSU.  Finished with some in & out wall sits. Some mary at the flag


Prayers for Swiper and another wedding to plan (pay) for Thanks for Durty Nelly son Jack being healthy Hillseeker end of February CPR class at Cookie's Jan 31

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Legs and shoulders burnt. Great day in the cold

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