Birthday Q

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-05-30

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (8): Better Call Saul, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Seaman, Suarez, Zuckerburg/Snorlax, Weasley, Snap


Birthday Q - decided to do basically the same one I did last year with slight modification


SSH, Sun Gods, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps, Willie Mays Hays

The Thang:

Out to the ballfield. Run the field end to end then do a set of an exercise, then run the perimeter of the field and do a set of a new exercise and so on. Exercises included:  squats, merkins, crunches, fire hydrants, plank jacks, flutter kicks, Rosalitas, shoulder taps, big boy sit-ups and 56 calf raises for turning 56


2nd F will be at Costco in June to fight inflation; possible 2nd F trip to NC for camping during the summer; Prayers for health and travel

Naked-Man Moleskin:

appreciate the great turnout and it was awesome to be back in the gloom

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